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通过对流域内不同类型水取样分析,发现流经不同岩层的地下水具有不同的ρ(Sr2+)、ρ(Sr)/ρ(Ca)、ρ(Sr)/ρ(Mg)值.一般来说,流经砂岩层的基岩裂隙水ρ(Sr2+)低,而ρ(Sr)/ρ(Ca)、ρ(Sr)/ρ(Mg)值较高,当砂岩中的基岩裂隙水受到灰岩岩溶水或煤系地层水补给时,其ρ(Sr2+)、ρ( Sr...  相似文献   
水平井的开发技术关键之一是建立油气藏的精细三雏地质模型,据此可以确定明确的地质目标.常规的储层地质建模忽视了水平井与地层在空间上的独特配置关系,无法体现和充分利用其在表征储层属性空间展布特征上的优势.这里着重讲述了针对水平井开发的储层地质建模,引入了水平井储层概念模型,探讨了平面单元网格划分模式,并以塔河1区三叠系下油...  相似文献   
戚林坤  孔云丽  普米仓 《云南地质》2011,30(1):53-55,31
铁锰矿产于新糖房背斜西翼南延澜沧江群中上部绢云石英片岩地层中,似层状、透镜状、囊状产出,矿床成因为沉积、变质铁锰矿床,其富集与表生氧化作用关系密切。  相似文献   
牛西平  周杜辉 《地下水》2011,33(3):139-142
可利用水资源是县域主体功能区规划指标体系的重要指标之一,主要是评价一个地区剩余和潜在可利用水资源对未来社会经济发展的支撑力.以河津市9个乡镇为基本单元,分析各个乡镇的可开发利用水资源,调水量等指标,得出河津市人均水资源潜力空间分布图,并针对各个乡镇在主体功能区中的不同职能提出更加切合乡镇具体情况的水资源利用措施.  相似文献   
吉林油田乾146区块经多年开采,已经进入高含水、高采出阶段。通过储层流动单元研究,运用多参数模糊聚类方法将该区高台子油层由好至差划分为A、B、C、D、E 5类储层流动单元。查明了区内主要目的层系各含油小层的储层流动单元发育特征:40、39小层主要发育A、B类优质储层流动单元,42、41、38小层则以C、D、E类储层流动单元为主,各小层储层流动单元类型及展布与初始产能吻合度较高,表明储层流动单元类型的差异是控制本区油气分布的重要因素之一。综合油藏地质特征及油田开发动态数据,对各储层流动单元的注采渗流体系进行了深入剖析,归纳总结出乾146区块高台子油层XII砂组中剩余油分布的5条规律,据此在剩余油分布预测区部署了1口扩边井和2口老区加密井,投产后分别获得了11.2t/d、5.5t/d和8.6t/d的初始产能。  相似文献   
地面核磁共振找水技术是目前世界上唯一的直接找水方法.笔者通过该技术在内蒙古五原县乡镇安全饮水工程水源勘察中的应用,对如何确定地下咸淡水界面开展了研究工作.通过所获得的解译成果与钻孔资料的对比,认为在依据区域水文地质资料的基础上,用该技术确定地下咸淡水界面位置较为准确;在无区域水文地质资料的情况下,单以核磁共振解译成果能...  相似文献   
王辉 《中国煤炭地质》2011,(10):8-13,28
依据野外地表地质观测及地震、钻探最新的深部地质资料,结合对区域控煤构造认识,运用构造解析、构造应力场及地质力学分析等研究思路与方法,讨论了研究区控煤构造特征、构造样式以及成因。研究结果表明:研究区共有三类六种控煤构造样式,即挤压构造样式(宽缓褶皱、叠加褶皱)、走滑构造样式(反"S"型褶皱、"入"字型构造)及伸展构造样式(掀斜断块、堑垒构造),其中以伸展构造样式发育为主要特征;研究区由东南向西北,构造变形强度由强变弱,先后经历了印支期南北向挤压、燕山中期北西向挤压和喜马拉雅期北东向挤压-走滑与北西-南东向伸展断陷作用;晚期形成的正断层不仅破坏了煤层的连续性,而且成为奥灰水储集和运移的主要通道,增大了底板突水的可能性,使煤炭资源开发受到影响。  相似文献   
近年来,国有地勘单位在改革发展中,人力资源管理方面普遍存在职工观念滞后、冗员较多、员工积极性不高、人才流失等问题。以总局管理下的某地勘单位为例,对国有地勘单位人力资源现状及存在的主要问题进行了梳理,总结提出了在当前环境下加强人力资源管理的对策及建议:强化人力资源管理意识,营造适宜人才发展的良好氛围;完善用人机制,加大人力资本投入;实施人力资源综合发展战略,设计合理的人才培训计划;深入体制改革,激发员工创新的积极性。  相似文献   
A new model is suggested for the history of the Baikal Rift,in deviation from the classic two-stage evolution scenario,based on a synthesis of the available data from the Baikal Basin and revised correlation between tectonic-lithological-stratigraphic complexes(TLSC) in sedimentary sections around Lake Baikal and seismic stratigraphic sequences(SSS) in the lake sediments.Unlike the previous models,the revised model places the onset of rifting during Late Cretaceous and comprises three major stages which are subdivided into several substages.The stages and the substages are separated by events of tectonic activity and stress reversal when additional compression produced folds and shear structures.The events that mark the stage boundaries show up as gaps,unconformities,and deformation features in the deposition patterns. The earliest Late Cretaceous-Oligocene stage began long before the India-Eurasia collision in a setting of diffuse extension that acted over a large territory of Asia.The NW-SE far-field pure extension produced an NE-striking half-graben oriented along an old zone of weakness at the edge of the Siberian craton.That was already the onset of rift evolution recorded in weathered lacustrine deposits on the Baikal shore and in a wedge-shaped acoustically transparent seismic unit in the lake sediments.The second stage spanning Late Oligocene-Early Pliocene time began with a stress change when the effect from the Eocene India-Eurasia collision had reached the region and became a major control of its geodynamics.The EW and NE transpression and shear from the collisional front transformed the Late Cretaceous half-graben into a U-shaped one which accumulated a deformed layered sequence of sediments.Rifting at the latest stage was driven by extension from a local source associated with hot mantle material rising to the base of the rifted crust.The asthenospheric upwarp first induced the growth of the Baikal dome and the related change from finer to coarser molasse deposition.With time,the upwarp became a more powerful stress source than the collision,and the stress vector returned to the previous NW-SE extension that changed the rift geometry back to a half-graben. The layered Late Pliocene-Quaternary subaerial tectonic-lithological-stratigraphic and the Quaternary submarine seismic stratigraphic units filling the latest half-graben remained almost undeformed.The rifting mechanisms were thus passive during two earlier stages and active during the third stage. The three-stage model of the rift history does not rule out the previous division into two major stages but rather extends its limits back into time as far as the Maastrichtian.Our model is consistent with geological, stratigraphic,structural,and geophysical data and provides further insights into the understanding of rifting in the Baikal region in particular and continental rifting in general.  相似文献   
詹瑜 《江苏地质》2015,39(2):207-210
主要论述了江苏东海南古寨村一带产恐龙足印化石地层的岩石地层归属和地质时代,认为这套地层应归于大盛群,而不宜归于青山群或孟疃组,时代为早白垩世晚期。江苏东海南古寨村一带大量恐龙足印化石的发现不仅填补了江苏不产恐龙化石的空白,而且也为该县增添了新的旅游资源。  相似文献   
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